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George Froggé

George Frogge

Associate Professor

Criminal Justice

  • Doctor of Education (Ed.D), Lipscomb University        
  • Master of Criminal Justice (MCJ), Middle Tennessee State University/Tennessee State University    
  • Bachelor of Science (BS), Belmont University

I was a police officer for twenty years and have been teaching in higher education since 2009.

  • Policing
  • Crime Prevention
  • Victimology
  • Bullying
  • Educational Perspectives
  1. Froggé, G. M.  (2019). Supporting pregnant incarcerated women through childbirth educational perspectives.  International Journal of Childbirth Education.  34(2), 37-39. 
  2. Froggé, G. M. & Woods, K. (2018). Characteristics and tendencies of first-generation and second-generation university students.  College Quarterly, 21(2), 1-30.
  3. Woods, K. & Froggé, G. M. (2016).  Preferences and experiences of traditional and non-traditional university students.  Journal of Continuing Higher Education, 65(2), 94-105.


  1. Froggé, G. M. (2018). Stop and frisk: A proactive response or bias-based policing. EBP Quarterly. 3(3), 1-6.
  2. Froggé, G. M. (2017). Revitalizing problem-oriented policing through swot analysis concepts. EBP Quarterly 2(1), 1-6.
  3. Froggé, G. M. (2017). Incorporating surveys to improve police-community partnerships.  EBP Quarterly, 2(4), 1-4.
  4. Froggé, G. M. (2017, March). Constitutional policing 101-the bill of rights.  American Beat Cop.