的 365bet 社会工作硕士 Program is accredited by the Council on Social Work 教育. 认证将持续到2029年10月.
Follow the steps below to apply for admission to the 社会工作硕士 Program. Use the links to learn more about what is required or access important forms and documents.
- 申请研究生院
如何申请研究生院 - 将都市固体废物申请及计划推荐信电邮至 研究生招生. 你的推荐信必须使用下面提供的项目推荐信.
- 申请人不需要GRE成绩.
- 我们建议你保留一份提交的所有材料的副本.
- 联系 研究生院 来验证您的应用程序是否完整.
有些课程将100%在线授课. 有些课程将会被分成两部分 每周一次上课时间和在线时间. 例如,你可以花3个小时 课程时间:下午5:30-7:15.m. 下午7:30-9:15还有一个三小时的课程.m. 虽然 每节课只有1节课.5个小时,剩下的课程将在网上完成. 这 allows the student to attend one evening per week and complete two courses.
整个课程将在网上进行. 你需要多次登录课程 每个星期. 在那里 will be content information posted which takes the place of lecture 笔记. 你 will be required to read the lecture 笔记 and the assigned chapter(s) 每周参加论坛讨论. 在讨论区,你会的 answer the questions for discussion and you will also respond to the answers of your 同学们. 考试将在网上进行. 本课程的论文将被提交 由你通过dropbox发送. 老师会给你的论文打分,然后把它还给你. 你将通过电子邮件或电话与你的导师沟通. 教师是 可预约与学生见面. 在线课程的优势在于 that the student determines the time period which they will devote to learning the 所需的材料. 缺点是交流是在一个不同的环境 比传统的课堂.
的 Advanced Generalist Concentration prepares the student to work at all levels of practice: micro (individuals), mezzo (families and groups), and macro (agencies and 社区). Concentration courses focus on all levels of practice, not just clinical 或管理.
No. 社会工作硕士学位使你有资格从事高级社会工作. 在那里 are students with an administration concentration whose first job is clinical. 在那里 are students with a clinical concentration whose first job is administrative. 的 concentration is only your area of interest and does not limit your practice. 的 advanced generalist concentration provides you with flexibility in your professional 培训.
它不. 有了田纳西州的新许可证程序,你就可以获得执照 master's level social 工人 by completing the master's degree and taking the advanced 考试. 你可以获得许可 at the clinical level by working in a supervised clinical 在指定的环境工作一段时间并通过临床考试. 你可以获得许可 at the administration level by working in a supervised administration environment 在规定的时间内并通过行政考试. 你选择你的职业 竞技场,并决定哪一个许可证是最适合你和你的事业. 浓度 of your master's in social work does not impact your decision on which license you 希望追求.
Part-time enrollment is generally recommended for individuals who are working full 他们上学的时间. 每学期六个学分通常是兼职 课程. 对于每3个学时,你将需要安排你的日历 3小时的上课时间和3-6小时的学习时间. 所以,如果你是兼职,选6 credit hours, you will need 12-18 hours per week in order to meet the requirements 在课程中. 每周12-18小时包括上课时间,必读时间, 还有做作业的时间,比如论文. 这只是一个平均值 weeks there will be more or less reading, and some weeks will have assignments and 有些则不会.
申请将于10月在此网页上进行. 申请截止日期 2月1日. 申请人将在4月27日前收到录取通知.
是的,在所有的职位都被填满之前,申请是可以接受的. 然后是等候名单 维护. 如果被录取的申请人决定不去,我们就去 来填补这个职位的空缺.
Two application processes must be completed before you can be formally considered
对招生. 首先,你必须在链接上向研究生院申请
以上. Second, you must complete the MSW application in the link 以上 and mail it
到部门. 申请时还需要提供三封推荐信.
All complete applications received by February 1st will be reviewed and a decision 会在入学时收费吗. 如果该计划的所有空缺都没有填满,则 招生委员会可审核有条件录取申请. 然而,如果 所有的空缺都已满,不会有条件录取.
它们至关重要. 你的推荐信应该由专业人士提交. 虽然 your pastor or other community leader may be able to address your character and your willingness to work, they do not have a 基础 of assessing your 写作 skills 或者社会工作的潜在就业机会.
Even though you already have a college degree, the program wants an 考试ple of your 写作. 我们正在寻找的文章是清晰和简洁. 专业人员的使用 文学作品也会使你的文章更加精彩. 经常校对你的文章,以确保这一点 你的语法和拼写都正确. 如果你的文章写得粗心大意,那么 admissions committee will wonder if you are really committed to pursuing higher education. Since the admissions committee does not meet you, it is the essay that reflects you 致委员会成员.
No. 入学没有特定的先决条件. 但是,您应该完成 大学本科阶段的基础课程. 一般来说,这些课程 took to fulfill the general education requirements for your undergraduate degree provide 你有一个大学研究基地.
是的. 的 研究生院 and the 社会工作学系 require an 总绩点2.普通入场75元. 然而,在极少数情况下,一个人 谁的累积平均分低于2分.75名学生将被考虑有条件录取 基础.
是的,我们会考虑录取你. 没有要求你的本科 degree be in any particular discipline or field, however, you are expected to have 完成大学基础课程. 当我们审查你的申请时,我们 look not just at your GPA, but also at your essay, letters of recommendation, and 工作和志愿者经历. 在城市生活垃圾学生中,转行并不罕见.
To be eligible for advanced standing you must: have an undergraduate degree in social work from a program accredited by the Council on Social Work 教育 and have an 本科总GPA为3.0或更高. 相关专业本科学历; such as Counseling or Human Services, does not qualify you for advanced standing.
We don't want students to repeat foundation content that they already know. 因此, the 365bet MSW Program offers exemption 考试inations for three of the first-semester foundation courses: Human Behavior and the Social Environment (SW 6010), Research 一级(sw6020)及社会福利政策及服务(sw6030). 如果你相信 preparation is particularly strong in one or more of these areas, you can take an exemption 考试ination, which is offered at the beginning of each Fall Semester. 你 如果你通过考试,就可以免修这门课吗. 然而,通过一项豁免 考试 does not reduce the number of credits needed for graduation, and you would need 完成额外的选修课程以完成这些学分.
你 may be able to transfer graduate credits if the conditions of the university policy on graduate transfer credits are met and the courses are deemed appropriate for transfer 经MSW教员审阅后. 修课:用来满足大学预科要求的课程 硕士学位不能转学. 转换课程学分 taken in another field can be used to fulfill the MSW Program's elective requirements, 不是必修课. 实习是作为其他一些非社会的一部分完成的 工作研究生课程不考虑转学分.
If you have taken graduate-level social work courses at an MSW program accredited by the Council on Social Work 教育, the 365bet MSW Program faculty will evaluate your MSW transcript to determine the equivalency 在课程中 you've taken with 这些都是由这个城市垃圾计划提供的. 转移学分的决定将基于 成绩单评估.
No. Consistent with the requirements of our accrediting body, the 365bet MSW Program does not award academic credit for life, volunteer, or employment experience. 然而, although you will not get academic credit, you have a rich base of experience to draw upon in your 类 and this will be of benefit to you as well as the other in your 类.